We've all been there. You need to find a bathroom, and quick. So, you run into a restaurant and sneak past the host, or buy something in a store, so you can use the restroom. Then there's the places that say restrooms are only for staff.

Meet the Throne
Well, hats off to Ann Arbor.
The city is teaming up with a business called Throne Labs and installing eight free public bathrooms downtown and in some public parks, WDIV reports.
The facilities are spacious and clean. They're like fancier porta-johns that have wallpaper, a flushing toilet, a sink and urinal with running water, paper goods, women’s hygiene items and a baby changing station, the station reports.
The company website says:
Throne offers an elevated experience that uses technology and behavioral science to bring bathrooms into the 21st century. Throne provides a modern and clean solution to outdoor venues, events, parks, municipalities and transit, whether you need one or a network of one hundred.